Opening soon
Your private preview of hotels, resorts and residences
coming in 2025
As with all of history's greatest travellers, at Raffles our curiosity constantly leads us to new destinations. Here is a peek at what's coming next to our world of elegance and enchanted glamour. We hope it inspires you to pack your suitcase and join us there.
Raffles Jeddah
Opening Soon
Overlooking the scenic corniche, drawing its colour palette from the Red Sea, Raffles Jeddah has all the makings of an outstanding landmark address, reflecting the artistic soul of the city. It features 182 guestrooms and 120 branded residences, all with private terraces and uninterrupted views of the Red Sea, along with a penthouse entertainment suite.
As a vibrant social hub, Raffles Jeddah is home to three distinctive restaurants offering innovative culinary experiences and world-class alcohol-free mixology. There will also be a luxury spa with separate male & female areas, a grand ballroom as part of state-of-the-art event and meeting facilities, and a bridal suite, with private lift to the spa, providing picture-perfect preparation for brides.